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Push Docker Image to Docker Hub

Once you have built a Docker image, you may want to share it with others or deploy it to different environments. Docker Hub is a popular cloud-based registry that allows you to store and distribute Docker images. Follow these steps to push your Docker image to Docker Hub:

Create a Docker Hub Account: If you haven't already, sign up for a Docker Hub account at It's free to create an account, and it provides a platform for storing and sharing your Docker images.

Tag the Image: Before pushing the image to Docker Hub, you need to tag it with your Docker Hub username and the desired repository name. Use the following command to tag your image:

docker tag <image-id> <username>/<repository-name>:<tag>

Replace <image-id> with the ID or name of your Docker image, <username> with your Docker Hub username, <repository-name> with the desired name for your repository, and <tag> with an optional tag (e.g., version number or label) for the image.

Log in to Docker Hub: To push images to Docker Hub, you need to authenticate using your Docker Hub credentials. Open a terminal or command prompt and log in to Docker Hub using the following command:

docker login

Enter your Docker Hub username and password when prompted. If the login is successful, you will receive a message indicating that you are logged in.

Push the Image: Once you are logged in, use the following command to push the tagged image to Docker Hub:

docker push <username>/<repository-name>:<tag>

Replace <username>, <repository-name>, and <tag> with the same values used during the image tagging step. Docker will upload the image and its layers to Docker Hub.

Verify the Image on Docker Hub: After the push completes, visit and log in to your Docker Hub account. Navigate to your repository, and you should see the pushed image listed. You can also explore the repository's settings and features, such as managing access controls, adding descriptions, and enabling automated builds.

By pushing your Docker image to Docker Hub, you make it accessible to others who can use it, collaborate on it, or deploy it to various environments. Docker Hub serves as a central hub for Docker images, allowing for easy distribution and versioning of your containers.

Note: You can also push Docker images to other container registries, such as Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) or Google Container Registry (GCR), by following similar steps specific to those platforms.