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Software Testing

What is Software Testing

Software testing is a process to find if it's developed as per the requirement considering the different attributes such as its Reliable, Scalable, Portable, Re-usable, and Usability.

In this process, each component of the software is tested to find any defect or bug, or error.

Types of Software Testing

Software testing is a very broader term that involves different types of testing at various levels.

Below is the pictorial representation of the Software testing type:

Manual Testing

Manual testing is a software testing method where testers manually execute test cases without the use of automation tools. In this approach, testers follow a predetermined set of test cases to verify whether the software or application meets the specified requirements and is free from any defects.

Manual testing involves the following steps:

  1. Test planning: Testers plan and prepare the test cases based on the requirements.

  2. Test case design: Testers design test cases to verify the software/application functionality, usability, performance, and security.

  3. Test case execution: Testers execute the designed test cases and record the test results.

  4. Defect reporting: Testers report any defects or issues found during the testing process.

  5. Test closure: Testers analyze the results of the testing process, write a test summary report, and submit it to the relevant stakeholders.

Manual testing is widely used in the industry, and it has many advantages such as:

  1. Easy to learn and execute.

  2. Cost-effective, as it doesn't require any automation tools.

  3. Allows testers to identify user experience issues.

  4. Provides a high degree of control over the testing process.

However, manual testing has some limitations such as:

  1. Time-consuming, as it relies on human effort.

  2. Prone to human errors.

  3. Can be difficult to reproduce and maintain the test cases.

Overall, manual testing is a crucial aspect of software testing and should be performed alongside automated testing to ensure a high-quality product.

Automation Testing

Automation testing is a software testing technique that involves the use of tools and software to automate the manual testing process. The main goal of automation testing is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing while reducing the time and cost of testing.

In automation testing, testers write test scripts using automation tools to execute a set of predefined test cases. These tools can simulate user actions, perform data input and output, and compare expected results with actual results.

Automation testing is particularly useful for regression testing, where the same tests need to be executed repeatedly to ensure that changes to the software have not introduced new bugs. Automation testing can also be used for load testing, performance testing, and other types of testing that require a high degree of accuracy and repeatability.

However, it is important to note that automation testing cannot replace manual testing entirely, as there are still certain tests that require a human touch. Automation testing should be used as a supplement to manual testing to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall testing process.

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